RACI Matrix: Defenition, Benefits and How to Create

One of the things that affects a team’s performance is how team members have the right tasks in a project. The RACI matrix (where RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) is one of the tools that can be selected.

Many institutions and companies have quite commonly used the RACI matrix.

As a project management tool, RACI can help identify an appropriate role for team members.

So, it is hoped that all team members can do their job better and have a better understanding of the responsibilities they have.

If you are interested in implementing it in your project, please first read the explanation of the RACI matrix that has been prepared below.

Definition of the RACI Matrix

RACI Matrix defenition
Source: SmartSheet

In short, RACI can be defined as a useful metric for dividing tasks and responsibilities among team members in a project.

As a reference, according to RACI Solutions, the RACI matrix is ​​an effective tool to describe the role of individuals in a group.

Not only that, but the use of this method can also help individuals to understand their respective job responsibilities.

The RACI matrix, or also known as the RACI model, was first introduced in the 1950s.

At that time, this method was called the Decision Rights Matrix. However, the RACI matrix is ​​now the most commonly used designation.

It has been around for decades to make the RACI matrix very popular and has been used by many major companies worldwide.

After knowing the definition and a glimpse of its history, find out the following abbreviations RACI means.


The letter R stands for the abbreviation RACI, which stands for Responsible.

In the RACI matrix division of tasks, the letter R means that the team members are responsible for the activities given starting from the process to completion.


The letter A is Accountable, that is, those responsible for all tasks assigned to their team members.

Besides, they also have the authority to make decisions related to assignments.

This role is significant because they must be responsible for every decision that has been taken, for example, the Project Manager.


Someone who is part of the consulted is those who are experts in their field.

The reason is, they will be tasked with providing information about the project being worked on.

Usually, several people act as consultants because their advice is needed so that the project can run smoothly.


Finally, I from RACI are the informed member who is always informed about the project’s progress being carried out.

Every decision and change made by the team must always be notified to someone who belongs to this group.

Benefits of Using RACI Matrix

Benefits of RACI Matrix

 After knowing what the definition and elements are, you should also know the benefits of using this method.

Reporting from The Digital Project Manager, here are some of the benefits of using the RACI matrix you need to understand.

1. Make communication easy

The first benefit of using the RACI matrix is ​​to facilitate communication between team members.

When using this tool, each member’s tasks are defined—starting from who carries out the work, providing information, to who is fully responsible.

So, communication between team members is easier because they already know their respective roles.

Nobody keeps asking questions about their assignments or even miscommunication within the team.

This will certainly simplify and speed up the process of working on a project.

2. Prevent too many people from a task

Too many people in one role are also less than kind and ineffective.

That is why, through the RACI matrix, we can determine who is most suitable for doing a job.

The assignment of assignments is also not arbitrary because it depends on the skills possessed by the company’s position.

Using the RACI method will make it easier to divide the roles in the team effectively. So, using this tool can avoid excess people in certain positions.

3. Excess workload can be prevented

The next benefit of RACI is to arrange so that each employee does not get too much workload.

When someone does too much work, indeed, the results of his work will not be optimal.

An employee can also be threatened with stress at work because he feels pressured by his workload.

When using RACI metrics, of course, everyone will get a portion of the work that matches their ability.

How to Create a RACI Matrix

RACI is a method that can make it easier to identify the roles and responsibilities of team members.

Therefore, the proper process requires thorough preparation. Starting from identifying who is involved in what their duties are.

Following are the steps in compiling the RACI matrix, including:

1. Identify what type of work is required

The first step in creating a RACI matrix is ​​identifying what types of work are needed in the project to be executed.

For example, the project that will be carried out is to build a fast railroad.

Of course, examples of tasks that must be done are conducting feasibility studies, planning, and design processes, to construction and testing.

2. Identify each team member

After knowing what work is required in carrying out the project, the second stage can be carried out immediately.

From the first stage, it is known that the tasks that need to be done are doing a feasibility test, making a design, and testing it.

So, the team members involved in this project must be those who can master it.

Example: Civil Engineers, Architects, Business Analysts to Project Manager.

3. Start drawing the matrix

Now that you know what tasks and people are involved, it’s time to start drawing the RACI matrix.

What software or tools are needed to create a RACI matrix?

According to Software Advice, we can use Microsoft Excel or Google Sheet to draw a RACI matrix. In addition to tools that are already popular, you can also use other table-based tools (consisting of rows and columns).

Make sure you make the columns correctly. In the leftmost column, make a few lines to write down the types of tasks that will be carried out.

Then, create a few more columns on the right to list each team member’s roles.

4. Write down the roles and responsibilities of each member

After you finish creating columns, you can immediately fill in each box with R, A, C, and I.

In determining the duties and roles, you should do it by discussing it first so that all parties can understand their respective responsibilities.

Make sure all team members involved in the project can come to the discussion. The reason is, in the division of tasks, the approval of each member is also required.

Besides, they can also express their opinion regarding this division of tasks. So it is hoped that there will be no coercion, and all can work with their best efforts.

5. Inform the results of the distribution of tasks to all concerned

The final stage of creating the RACI matrix is ​​to inform the related parties about the results of the discussion.

Before the project starts, make sure stakeholders, and all concerned know about the RACI matrix division.

That’s all about explaining the RACI matrix, starting from its definition, benefits, and how to make it.

Interestingly, RACI is a task-sharing method that can be used for small to large scale projects. So, you can use it as needed.


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